ECological transformation, that is our purpose
Ecological transformation means acting to reconcile human progress and environmental protection.
We develop and implement locally solutions to depollute our vital resources and preserve them from depletion, solutions to decarbonize our ways of living and producing and adapt them to the consequences of climate change.
All over the world, attuned to local cultures, we strive to omprove the health and quality of life of communities.
At Veolia, we tackle economic, social and environment issues as an inseparable whole to the benefit of the largest number of people.

Veolia is one of the first French groups to define its purpose. It is adopted by the Board of Directors on April 18th 2019.
Veolia commits on multifaceted performance, which places the same level of attention and requirements on its economic and financial, commercial, human resources, social and environmental performance. It is implemented in the Impact 2023 strategic programme.
Veolia produces a shorter version of its purpose with the aim of improving appropriation amon all the Group’s employees, giving greater focus to its key elements for all its stakeholders and ultimately supporting, strengthening and accelerating its deployment.
Just like the purpose text, the process of developing the short version was a collaborative effort that involved the Group’s internal and external stakeholders.
Our purpose is a compass that guides us in setting and keeping the company’s course over the long term. It binds us and sets us in motion.
The purpose empowers and commits our employees and, more broadly, all the Group’s stakeholders
Its strengthens, internal cohesion by offering shared insights into the company and the meaning behind its actions and ambitions, i.e. develop and deploy solutions that are useful to the greatest number, with and for its stakeholders. It is reflected in the decision to incorporate its stakeholders (employees, clients, shareholders, society and the planet) into its governance, thanks to such initiatives as the “+1, the ecology turned into actions” approach.
This desire for openness is also illustrated by the Group’s Ecological Transformation Academy. The academy’s ambition is to accelerate training on the skills and emerging professions associated with ecological transformation, by bringing together a group of professionals from the business world, academia, public authorities and civil society.
The purpose drives and supports the transformation of our processes
Forming the backbone of the Group’s operations and activities, the purpose has been incorporated into all its divisions’ processes, such as the implementation of a compensation policy for top management based on the multifaceted performance objectives and progress indicators, and investment project assessments according to the key multifaceted performance criteria. The purpose has also been integrated into the Group’s training tools, such as the “Ecological Transformation Fresk”, which has been aligned with Veolia’s business functions to enable employees to understand the ecological transformations challenges, the solutions to be put into practice and the way in which they can personally contribute.
The purpose defines our commitment to create a sustainable impact
Veolia is committed to a multifaceted performance with the same level of consideration and expectations as regards its economic and financial, commercial, human resources, social and environmental performance through 19 indicators associated with 18 progress objectives. They are regularly audited by independent bodies. In particular, the Group is adapting and scaling up its actions in resource regeneration, decarbonization and depollution in light of all these indicators.